By the arrival of the Roscoe, 'Montreal, and Adirandack at
Liverpool from New York, accounts have been received from the British Provinces to the commencement of September. There is a variety of interesting matter in the letters and newspapers brought by these vessels; as will appear by the stthjoined selections.
The Court of Queen's Bench at Montreal has decided against the ap- plication of Francois Jalbert, on trial for the murder of Lieutenant Weir, to withdraw his plea of " Not Guilty," and plead Lord Durham's amnesty ; and on Tuesday the trial was commenced. Jalbert is an old man, apparently about sixty-five. The trial was expected to occupy several days.
There was to have been a meeting of the inhabi'ants of the Home Dis- trict, to take into consideration Lord Durham's Report ; but Mr. Sheriff Jarvis, at the insiiga ion of the Fa7nily Compact party, refitsed to call this meeting—alleging as a principal reason, his fear of a disturbance. Numerous parochial ince:lugs were, however, to be held in different pans of the d:s;riet ; end thus pub'ic opinion would fiud vent.,
Governor Sir John Harvey, of New Brunswick, ltas convened the Legislature to meet at Fretlerickton on the 10th September, for the despatch of business, in consequence of a great recent public calamity, and oilier weighty reasons. The calamity referred to is the late fire at St. John's.
Fresh seienves of broad-cloths have been made ia the potato-cellar of a private dovehiitmg by the Philadelphia Customhouse-officers.
A gale from the North-cast, which commenced on the 30th of August, had done much damage to shipping on the Atlantic coast ; and nmay lives been lost.
The yellow fever prevailed at New Orleans; Mobile, Charleston, and .augteee. II :wised-, now performing in Lomb.), is declared to have dicd of the fevt.r in New Orleans- Great prepai ations are mak'nle for the trial of the Negroes who mur- dered a :,:p:inish ceew io eseape front slavery. The Abolition party have engaged tie ablest eonnsel in the Republic to plead their cause, on the ground iln.t they mi!y aet 2ni as every man would who valued the bleesiag of liberty. It will be quite a pro and caii Slavery question.
The steam-ship Great Western, which plied on Lake Erie, has been to ally destroyed by fire. A sheitherii belonging o Mr. Osinond Gilles, the Treasurer of South Ansiaalia, was murdered on the 21st of April, at that gentleman's sheep- cation on the Tomos, by three native:, and Governor Gawler had issued a proclamation ibrbidding the colonists to employ any natives, until the murderers hail been discovered.
-"The operations of the llttuik of the l'nited States in raising specie by elhing post-noies at an enormous sacrifice, for the purpose of main- taining its credit in England, while, at the same time. it sold bills two or three per cent. below the actual par of exchange, possess a de- gree of' interest greatly beyond their inintedia,e efilan upon the money- market, disa.urons a,. this etrect is now felt to be. To what extent the great reguLoor has determined eventually to victimize those merchants who are dependent on banks for the means of meeting their engages, meats, by this projigate course, we have no means of ascertaining. They have been OIMOSI driven to desperation by the schemes of blood- sucking which have already been inflicted upon them."—lVashington Globe.