Lord Portman has sent the following to the Times- "
Bryan:ton, 27th September. "Sir—Having carefully considered the extraordinary publication given to the world by the Marquis of Hastings in the Jiimniny Post of the Htli instant, I feel it necessary, in justice to Lady Portman, to lay before the public only a few observations on this painful subject.
"Lady Portman is called 'the accuser.' Lady Portman never originated any accusation against Lady Flora I Listings; but having been informed of the prevalence of suspicions entertained respecting Lady Flom Hastings, and ob- serving the appearances on which they were founded, it seemed to her to lie necessiry that the doubts which rested on Lady Flora Hastings, and tended to tefleet dishonour upon the Court, should be cleared up. She was, however, actuated by no feeling Kplinst Lady Flora Hastings, nor had she any desire but to discharge with the Must scrupulous propriety her ditlicult and distressing duty.
"lady Portman never thought of, nor suggested, the medical examination ; she never received nor delivered any message, suggesting, Or requiring, or ad- vising it; she never heard that any thing of' the kind was likely to take place, until after she bad conic into the room at the request or Lady Flora Hastings. The statement that on that occasion the demeanour of Lady Portman was unnecessarily abrupt, mfeeling, and indelicate,' I only notice fin. the purpose of giving to it Lady Portman's absolute denial : no more cruel accusation than this am be made against Lady Portman, nor any more unilmuded. and incredible. "I refrain from commenting on other serious but unintentional misstate- ments in the publication yet 1 cannot conclude without declaring, with the utmost sincerity, that to Lady Portman and to me it has always been matter oh the deepest regret that circumstances so singularly difficult and distressing should have occurred to create so much pain and so much sorrow.
" Your most obedient servant, PORTMAN."
We observe that some of the papers announce that " Lady Portman Is on the point of death." There is no truth, we understand, in the statement. Her Ladyship Has been recently confi»ed, and is not well ; but her family and friends do not apprehend danger.—/accds Intelligeneer.
Lord Howden has sent the following letter to the Journal des- SIiA pamphlet has lately been published which is attributed, by most of the journals, to the pen of 'Lord. Brougham : his Lortlslop has requested me to give publicity to the lollowing, statement. 'I have learned, to my great astonishment, that a pamphlet on the state of affairs in France has beim stated to be amine in Paris. I do not even know its title, much less am I its author ; and, according to what 1 have been told of its contents, nothing could be more thametrically`opposed than they are to my opinions.'" A daughter of Sir Thomas Lethbridge has recently become a Roman Catholic. It is said that she was driven from home in consequence of her conversion; and that her uncle having also refused to receive her unless she abandoned her new faith, she has sought employment, and obtamed it, from Lord Stourton, a Roman Catholic Peer, as governess to his children.—Leeds Intelliyeneer. A beautiful little Arabian horse, of a dark chestnut colour, arrived at the Royal stables, Windsor, on Saturday last, in charge of an Arab, accompanied from town by one of the Royal servants, having been sent by her Majesty's Consul-General at Tripoli. The little animal, shortly after his arrival, was taken into the quadrangle of the Castle, and was there inspected by her Majesty and the ladies and gentlemen of the Court. The Arab formed au object of as much attraction (being dressed in the costume of his country) as his beautiful charger.— Wind- sor Erpress.
Twelve superb cream-coloured and black horses, purchased at Weimar by order of Lord. Albemarle, Master of the Horse, have been brought to the Queen's Mews from the Tower-stairs. where they were landed from the Hamburg steam-packet. They will be trained by the Royal grooms, and used on state occasions.