The Globe to-night contradicts that part of the Standard's statement
respecting Admiral Fleming's appointment to the Governorship of Greenwich Hospital, which represents the Admiral as related to the Elliots. "Whatever else Admiral Fleming may be," says the Globe, "he is not in anywise related to the Elliom' either by blood or marriage." Unless, however, our copy of the Peerage (Lodge's) is in this instance less accurate than we usually find it, there is a family connexion be- tween Admiral Fleming and the Elliots. Be this as it may, we believe there is great intimacy between the parties ; and personal iutimacy often goes further than blood. The Standard, after correcting an immaterial error in its own state- ment, which made Admiral Flouring " half-brother" instead of" uncle" to the present Lord Elphinstone, proceeds to give some particulars of this lucky officer's career in the service- " Admiral Fleming appears, from his first entrance into the Navy to the present moment, to have been a must favoured officer ; for we find, on relkeuce to that edition of the Navy List which Sir Charles Adam and Sir Thomas Trowbridge ordered to be cancelled because it revealed in what way their own heigh-presto-la gone promotion was managed, that from April 1793 to October 1794, he Paled through the iuterwediate ranks of Lieutenant, Commander,
- s told Captain ; lingering throagh the tedious period, of six months in each romit, Ile is neWlifted.into his present agreeable berth over the heads of mere Mai a hundred flag-officers, all of whom have seen severe and distinguished service in every quarter of the globe during the whole of the last war; and none of ivhom have done so little to merit the appointment as himself." ,