The anirs of the United States Bank have been the all-absorbing topic in the City dming the last few days. It Was currently reported on Wednesday, that the arzangement to which we last week allugd, between the Bank and Mr. JAUDON, could not be carried into effect, because of some demur on the part of houses who hod in the first instance consented to become security far the contemplated advaiwe of 300,000/. A considerable amount of the post- notes of the -United States Bank—about 200,0001.—became due yesterday; and the inability of the agent to meet the payment compelled him to make ar- rangements wita the hollers, by which, upon consideration of a deposit of American Stock as collateral seem-4y, and the payment of a high rate of' inter- est, the notes have been ;lowed to stand over fur various periods. The claims against the Bank under the head of post-notes, arising during the current year, are stated at 400,0001. ; of which, by the arrangement of yesterday, a conJ siderable amount has been provided for; and as Mr. JAL'DON has received ads vice of a shipment on his account of 300,000 sovereigns by the Great Western steamer, the ari:val of which from New York is expected outMonday next, all the immediate claims upon the Bank for sonic time to come nuts, be considered as secure ; while the future liabilities will be provided for by the realization of some of the large shipments of cotton to Liverpool and Havre, actually made or in progress, and in payment for which a considerable portion of the liabili- ties in questioa have been incurred. During the unecrttunty that prevailed as to the course likely to be pursued hy the Agent of the Bank, the Stuck Market was in a ve-y depressed state ; Consols having declined more than per cent., the price fur Money hm :lig been as low as 89f,, and ti at for Ai:collet as low as OOj. But re erilay, when it becrme known that the difficulty wit surmounted, an improvement of ft per cent, occurred, mid the market was cue- icli higher this mowing; the price for Money having been as high as 90/, and that for Account him mg reached 901: a reaction has, however, since oe. cured ; and the closin mice is 90!, ft fur Account, nail 90f for Money.
Exchequer Bills have been as low as Gs. discount ; but the discount has de- creased in consequence of the improvement of the Consol Market, and has been to-day is. India Bonds have been done at par. Money, which has been extremely scarce, and for which interest at the rase of 7 or 8 per cent. pre- ni;tun hire been given upon the secerity of English Stock, has become inore abundant both to-day and v :•:terday, nod has bsen obteinable at 5 and 6 per cent. In the Foreign Market, however, it has been extremely scarce; and the speculators in the Spa iish and Portugacqe Stocks have been compelled to sub- mit to it rate of interest varying Irom 15 to per cent, for accommodationt while duriag the settling-day, on Monday last, as much as 70 or 80 per cent. was given for loans upon Spanish Stock for two or three days. This circum- stance has operated very prejudicially upon the price of' the Stock, and Active Bonds have been subject to several rapid depressions •' having fluctuated froth 30 to 29. On three occasions, however, the market hers almost always recovered ye .y speedily; mid the result of the week's operations -hal been to establish 30] as the closing price, which is withal per cent. of the price of Saturday last. POI:WOCSe Securities have not been se much affected, nor has the difficulty ei; raising money upon them been so great : the fluctuation has not exceeded I .per cent., and there bas not been any thing remarkahle in the transactions in them, unless it be some pur- chases of Three per Cent. Stoel on Dutch and French Accouni, which though neither general nor extensie:, have yet tended to re"eve the market ; henez the comparative ease with which accommodation has been obtained upon this description of Stock as compared wIth Spanish Bonds. Nothing very material has occm_ed in the Emoperin Continental Stocks: The.preszure for money has caused the nominal quotation of Russian and Danish Stock to be lower ; but the transactions in these Securities have be= oo limited to require notice. Datch Securities have teen temporarily dee pressed, but as upon every deerne purchases have been freely made on Dutch Account, the market has always rallied and has bsen well supported. Moises. LIZARDI have communicated officially to the Committee of the' 'sock Encbange tbe ratification brthe Mexican Congress Of the arrangereent for the conversion. of the Debt of tile Republic, which has for thelast eighteen "ruonths been the subject of so much discussion. This Stock has consequently isen, and is 31b 32.
B.:oil:au and the alma South American Stocks are wThout mater:al change.
SA1 JaDAY, TNELVE 0%1.0.31. The amount of bullion brought by the Great Western (whiza arriv:d yes- Jollity at Bristol) is less than was expected, Ilti,C.J/. only haying in rived, in- 'atead of 000,C0D!. This is attributable to the nuluar of the United States Dank relying upon the carrying through of the arrangements with HOTTEN- G urn and Co. and HOPE and Co., the failure of which has compelled Mr. JAPDON 'to solicit assistance the Bank of England. The refu,0 of the house of Paris and that of Amsterdam to complete their arrangements, ,,would, however, become known upon the arrival of Liverpool steam-vessel at New York, and it 1.4 expected that on her return here she will bring a large f:eight of specie. There is no business or material change in the price of either English or Fo- reign Stocks. SATURDAY, non o'CLocs. • The market presents a be!tter appearance ; the price of every description of 'English Stock is ?I per cat. higher than in the morning, and the distress for stoney has been less than usual. This is perhaps in some degree attributable to the day, Saturday being generally a dies non : but the fact is certain. It is understood that although Mr. JAUDON has been disappointed in his expecta-
tions of a remittance of sovereigns, he has received by the Great Western an ample amount of bills and other available securities, to render him independent of future assistance. The speculative Foreign Bonds are all higher; Spanish Closing at 304 *, being an improvement of per cent, upon the lowest price of the day. Portuguese are also about * per cent, in advance of our morning price. So are Mexican and Columbian ; the former being 32 A, and the latter 314 2*. No variation in the other Foreign Funds.
• 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced.. New 31 per Cent. Anne. Bank Stock Delia Stuck Ditto Bonds Esehequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents. 001 0011 shut 971 par. iv. hi, 1021 31 Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Portuguese Regency Spot Cts Ditto 3 per Cents Russian (1822)5 per Cent Spanish (1935) 5 per Cent Deferred Stuck
Pas,dve Ditto 73 4
73 4 531 4 351 231 4+ 110t 111t 301 1-It