The Adelaide, Captain Campbell, arrived at Fahnouth on the 30th Sep-. Umber, after a boisterous passage down Channel; and sailed immediately after receiving on board Captain Daniell, and other passengers. The Duke -of Roxburgh, Captain Thomson, reached Plymouth on Sunday; and on the two following days received on board about one hundred emigrants of the labouring class, who had been carefully selected from various parts of Devonshire and Cornwall, by Mr. Woolleombe„ the Company's agent, and were anxiously waitin,, the ship's arrival. On Monday, Captain Nawne, one of the Directors of the Company, arrived from London, and immediately pro- ceeded to inspect the ship, and make all arrangements required for the comfort of the passengers. The ship cleared at the Customhouse on the 3d, and was to sail the next morning.
The Bengal Merchant, Captain Hcmery, reached Port Glasgow on the 211, to take in the emigrants of the first Scotch colony. A public dinner is expected to take place previous to her departure.
The,Aurora and Oriental have not put into port since they left the Downs. They were last spoken off the coast of Devonshire-all well. • The Company's ship Glenbervie is appointed to sail from Gravesend on the 10th instant; and the Bolton on the 5th of November.