The Gondolier, from China, to London, was lost in the
Straits of Gaspar, 13th June; crew saved. ArraivEn—At Gravesend, 2d Oct. Anne Jane. Rigby, from China. In the Downs, 1st. Canonic. Soames, from Madras; 3d, Platina, Wycherly. from Port Phillip; Ce- cilia, Burrell, from Sydney, ; Canopus. Stroyan, from Chios; Robert Sale, Monde', from Calcutta; Seringapatam, Peckett, from Madras ; and Ophelia and Ann, Barker, flora Ceylon. Off Portamouth, Kinnear. Lidderdale, from Hobart Town; 01111 Planet. Bailie, from Mauritius. Off Dartmouth, 1st, Peuyard Park, Weller. from Sydney. At Liverpool. 1st, Minerva, BruWil, from China; Courier, Rees; and Prince a Waterloo, Elder, ft OM Calcutta; and Corea. Ket r. from Bombay ; 3d. Laidmaus, Scott ; R. Hen- derson. Hayward ; Tigris, Mawsou ; Duncan. Henrickson ; and Baboo, Ste,. att. from Calcutta ; Pauthea, Glen ; Lucy Wright, Pollock ; Nina. Eden; and Attu Martin. Mor- ey, from Bombay. At Adeu, 26th Ang, Olympus, White. from London. At Bombay. previous to 27th Aug. Sophia, Julio,; Earl of Durham. Die!. son ; and Oriental. Wilson, from London. Quentin Leitch. Grey ; Delhi, Rome;; and Ellen. Worrall, from Liver- pool; Nelson. Porter ; and Athol. Kerr. from the Clyde. At Madras. previous to 19th ,Aug. Orestes, Feuwick ; Samarang. Greve; and Seringaparam. Voss. from London; Jane Blain, Reid, from the Clyde ; avid Bengal, Errington. from Ness castle. At Caleuita. pre- vious to the 17th Aug. Arab, Summer; George, Anderson ; Ttmandra, Skinner; Parland, Smith ; British Empire, Young; Thetis, Cans; Parsee, Chivas; and Tatijiae. Stewart, from London ; Syren. Hosken ; Currency, Broderick; Derby. Lee ; Esther, Shed- thugs; Harrison Chilton, Markham ; Flora Kerr, M•Nedder ; Mary Ridley. Sharer ; Cordelia. Hughes ; and Isabella Harnett. Realty, front Liverpool ; Como, Guthrie, from the ('kite; Emma, White ; and John Edwards. Moody. from Newcastle. astute—From Bristol, 28th Sept. Clitton, Cox. for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 28th ditto, Litherland, Freeman ; and Sa ithantley. Jennings. for China ; and ',Sat, Re- liance, Kemp: and John Moore. With} combe, for Bombay. From the Clyde, 25th ditto, Potentate. Kirdy, or Singapore ; Commodore. Russell, for Calcutta ; and John Gray, M•Donald, fur Bembay ; and28th, Alexander Johnston. Swan. for Batavia. SATURDAY MoRNIFO. ARRIVED—In the Downs. Nautilus, Gibson, from China; Vanguard, Garwood; and Buteadre. Conic, from Calcutta ; Marv, Grant, from Bombay ; and Joint Hallett, Austen. from Mauritius. Oft Hastings:John Knox, horn Batavia ; and Cape Packet, Lamb, from Madras. Off Torbay, Tyne, Robertson, from Port Phillip. At Live, pool. Sabina. M•Lean. from Singapore ; Manilla, Lloyd. from Calcutta; Flowers of Ugie, *Maud, from Madras; and Hope, Kerr; aud Agnes Exing, Reid, from Bombay.