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WINDSOR CASTLE again rejoices in a present Sovereign ; Queen Vic- toria having arrived on Thursday afternoon, from Scotland. The Vic- toria and Albert yacht, with its illustrious freight—her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Princess Royal—entered the Thames about half-past nine o'clock that morning ; escorted by a squadron of war-steamers and a fleet of other steamers that had collected around the chief vessel. No remarkable incident had occurred on the voyage. The Queen was on deck early that day, with the shepherd's tartan still round her. By noon, Gravesend was passed; and at two o'clock, the yacht anchored at Wool- wich. The scene was like othersin the same place on such occasions,— the river crowded with boats, the shores with people, the quay with soldiery ; military officers, officers of the Dockyard, and officers of the Household, at the bead of the steps; the multitude cheering, guns thundering a salute. The Admiralty-barge, that served to pass from the steamer to the shore, was steered by Sir Francis Collier. The Queen and her companions, who seemed all well and in good spirits, at once entered carriages, and proceeded, under an escort of Lancers, to Paddington ; thence, by railway, to Slough; and in carriages, with an escort of Horse Guards, to Windsor ; entering the Castle at four o'clock, after a journey from Dundee of about forty-eight hours' dura- tion. The Dutchess of Kent joined the dinner-circle that evening.
The Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, and Prince Alfred, had been brought from Brighton on Wednesday, by the Dowager Lady Lyttelton, and Colonel Grey, the Queen's Equerry.