5 OCTOBER 1844, Page 21


Tuesday, Oct. 1.


Crowder and Cook. Birmingham, wo.dstaplers-Russell and Thomson. Rochdale. linrndrapers-Gledhill and Johnson. Bradford, Yorkshire. brickmakers-Pollard and Lytham, Liverpool. ship-store dealers-Greenwood and Knight. Halsted. coal-mer- chants-Penford and Fox, Farudon, Nottinghamshire, millers - Krill and Courant, Liverpool. merchants-Owen and Ellis. Manchester, toy-dealers- Wilcock and Henley. Stockpurt. manufacturers .4 healds-Davey and Cosway. Tiverton, coal-merchants- Hardy and Mallet. Nottingham, saddlers-Cheshire and Tech. Liverpool. merchants- Hall and Brodribb. Coleman Street Buildings, attoruies- Widow Rider and Sou, Red- cross Street, Southwark, hat-tip-manufacturers-Marsden and Co. Lewisham. brewers; as far as regards G. E. Marsden- Castles awl Cry Bristol. rectifying distillers ; as far as regard L. Ames and T. Harris-Scoles arid Kiegs, High Holborn. coachmakers- Potion atrd Goodeve. Louden, bordmakers-Askew arid Barlow, Failsworth Lodge, near Manchester, dyera-Becke and Flower. Lincoln's lull Fields. attornies.


ASHWELL. EDWARD, Yeldon. Bedfordshire, butcher, to surrender Oct. 15, Nov. 12; solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Messrs. Beckwith and Co. Norwich ; offirial assignee. Mr Edwards, Old Jewry. BEELINES. FRANCIS, Manchester. check. manufacturer, Oct. 14, Nov. 1 I : solicitors. Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Crossley,- aud Sudlow, Mauchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser Manchester.

HAYNES, HENRY, Scole, Norfolk. innkeeper. Oct. 9, Nov. 12; solicitors. Messrs. 'White and [turrets. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Muskett, Diss, Norfolk ; official assig- -nee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. MASLIN, MARTIN, Croydon. coal-merchant. Oct. 19. No. 12: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry. MAUND. JONATHAN THOMAS, Birmingham. laceman, Oct. 15, Nov. 12: solicitors. 'Messrs. Reed and Shaw. Friday Street ; official assignee. Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry. NICHOLLS, CHARLES KERRY. Bridge Road. Battersea. banker. Oct. 10. Nov. 12 : soli- citor. Mr. Townsend. Howlarid Street ; official assignee. Mr. Manger. Birchin Lane.

Moronism. RICHARD. Stored. coal-merchant, Oct. 16, Nov. 12 solicitors, Messrs. Yonge and thine ck, Tukeideruse Yard; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abchdrch Lane.

WATSON. Ross. and MORRIS, ROBERT. Liverpool. brokers, Oct. 15, Nov. 12 :

Messrs. Vincent and Co. Temple; Mr. Minshull, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.

WEBB. RICHARD JOHN, Bath, wine-merchant. Oct. 14, Nov. 12; solicitors, Messrs. Dimmock and Co. Size Lane ; Mr. Hassell. Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol.


Oct. 25. Whytt. Fenchurch Street, drys:trier-Oct. 28. Newman, Leeds. cornfactor- • Oct. 25. Millar, Liverpool. hosier-Oct. 25 Hilton, Manchester, cotton-spinner-Oct. 25, Halls. Taindon. ton-dealer-Oct. 25, Hitchcock, Tauntoii, miller-Oct. 25, Iturst,

Newcastle upon-Tyne. draper. CERTIFICATEs

To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Oct. 22, H... Moorgate Street tavern keeper-Oct. 28, Williams Bristol, dealer in butter- Oct. 24, fletheriugton. Cross Canonby, Cumberland, tanner-Oct. 25, Walton. -Newcrualeorpon.Tyne, saddler-Oct. 24, Holdroyd. North Moor, Nerthumberland. farmer-Oct 23, Walton, Liverpool. snreeon - Oct. 23, May. Liverpool. commission- ageut-Oct. 24. Wy rill, Bradford Yorkshire, ironmou ger - Oct. 23, Hewden. 1Vakefieid, itronfounder-Oct. 24. Fothergill storior, Selby, apothecary-Oct. 22, Griffiths, Stoke-

• upon-Trent. tailor-Oct. 24, France, Wigan, grocer.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or beAre Oct. 22, Gape, Edglraston, wine merchant-Burton, Ecclesfield. lace-manufacturer-Cerro. • tilers, Blackburn. linerplraper-Green, Leeds, bookseller-Forrest, Liverpool. glass- merchant- Fair field. Tranmere. Cheshire, corn-merchant- Swaiue, Newland Street.,

.Eaton Square. innholder. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS Laugmertd. Teignmouth, banker; final div. of 24d. any day after Oct. 29 • Mr. Her- mamas, Exeter-Newsome, Dewsbury, bianket.marrefacturer ; first and dual div. of 948. any Tbursdey after (let. 5; Mr Ferrene. Leeds- Hultman. Leeds, cabitaromaker; 'first div. of 4s. 98. any Tuesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Fesrne, Leeds-Jacksou, Leer's, cloth merchant ; first and filler div. of 2s. 68. arty Thursday after Oct. 5 • Mr. Fearne, Leeds- Wright Guireley. Yorkshire. corn-sillier; first and final die. if Is. Hid. any 'Tuesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Fearue, Leeds- Garsed Halitax, cloth dresser; first and final div. of Is. 1la. any Tuesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Fearne. Leeds-Parker and Co. Leeds. dvers ; second and final dry of ;18. any Tuesday. after Oct. 8; Mc. Fearne, Leeds- Grim:draw Surrith. Yorkshire. draper ; second and final die. of as. 818. any 'Tuesday alter Oct. 5; Mr. Femme. Leeds Nuttall. Rochilay., pock-butcher; first div. .of ltd. 'Oct. 15, and any subsequeet Tuesday ; Mr. Sianway, Manchester.


NIECE, A.. Effiriburgh, slater. Oct. 7,30.

FRASER. S., Srrathrumore, Ross-shire. grazier, Oct. 7,28.

GMT., D.. Glasgow. calico-printer, Oct. 7,28.

Moot. D.. Devonside. near Tillicoultry. woolleu-mauufactnrer, Oct, 8,29.

BENNIE, A., Gliogow, grocer. Oct. 7,23.

'Vaor,aircz. J. and J., Edinburgh, coal merchants, Oct. 2,23.

Friday, Oct. 4.

PARTNI,MbH irs oinsoLVED.

'Ellis and Farnden. Walhoton, brewers-Mercer and Peil, Liverpool, eigar.tnanu- facturers-W. and J. Alexander. Fordinghridge. Hampshire. plumbers -Em bley and

'Co. Bristol. warelreusekeepers-Day and Climenson. Si. Ives. w. „ tiers - Harris and Co. Bristol. malt.distillers- Gordon and Davies. Heaton Norris. Lancashire. iron- founders-Junes and Bye Witney, grocers- Chapple and Clarke, Great Dover Street. liueuorapers -J. and J. Fielding. Rochdale, tea...feelers-Jones and Co. Liverpool, hemp-dealers-J. and D. Hepworth, Halifax. dyers-R. and T. Wight, Sunderland, .east iron.founders-Parsons and Bunning, Crauiner Place, Waterloo Road, eugitieers -G. nil E. Henry. Bread Street. merchants-Afton and Ryder. Liverpool, tea-dealers -Sherwin and Co. Cumberland Street, Shoreditch, eugiueers ; as far as regards J. fleatim-Hathway and Co. Tower Royal, stationers-W. and J. Rumsey, Wapping Wall, tailors-Hull and Leith Steam packet Company; as far as rewards II. Stead, 2. M•Kay, aud J. Brown-Underhill and Powell, Stuck Exchange, dealers in Govern- ment securities -Blackburn and Son. Limehuuse, brickiayers-Tearle aud Co. King- stun, Surrey. brewers-Gutch and Co. Bristol, printers-Little and Weaver, South. aniptor, architects-Jillard and Co. Oakhill, Somersetshire, brewers; as far as regards


H. P. 3 dun'.

ALEXANDER, Geonsx, Beatainster. Doreetshire, innkeeper, to surrender Oct 18. Nov. 14: FAIi.114.18. Mr. Harm Temple Messrs Newman mei Co. Yeovil; and Messrs. 'Terrell and Roberts, Exeter; official assignee. Mr Heruaman, Exeter.

Citorroa, rssioarie. Mauchester. glass dealer, Oct. 18, Nov. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques ..... Fd••ards, Ely place; and Mr. Chew, Manchester; official assignee, Mr.

POLL Manchester.

Howaiio, risozIE, Tonbridge Place, Hozton, publisher, Oct. 15, Nov. 13; solicitor, Mr. Bird, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Bell. Coleman Street Buildings. METCALF. 3014N. Macclesfield. silk-manufacturer. Oct. 18.1Nov.7 : solicitors Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; and Mr. Ainsworth, Macclesfield ; official asswiguee. Mr. Hobson. Manchester.

SMITH. Lime DEICHITON, and Co. Dnlverton. Somersetshire, crape-manufacturers. Oct. 9, Nov. 12: solicitor, Mr. Kirkman. King William Street ; official assiguee, Mr. Torquato'. Old Jewry. TULLEY. ALFRED, Hackney. grocer. Oct. 15, Nov. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Norton sod Sou, New Street. Bishopsgate Street ; official assiguee, Mr. Johnson, 11Basiughall Street. DIVIDEND. Oct. 26, Porter, Barnsley, callenderer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Oct. 29, E. G. and W. Plowright, Wells-next.the-Sea, wine-merchants-Oct. 29, Musgrove, Birmingham. 000lleuriraper.

lo he granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct 25. Norman, Cheltenham, ireumonger-Killick. Blackman Street. paper-stainer-Lo- raine, Newcastle upon Tyue. wiue-merchaut- Lamb, Burton Crescent, builder- Munro. Princes Street, Westminster, builder-Cox, Purchester Street. Couuaught Square, fruiterer-Young, Aldermanbury. laceman.


Frost. Bristol. baker; final div. of U. on new proofs, on October 16, or any subse- quent Weduesday; Mr. Miller, Bristol-Mav, Corsham. Wiltshire, victualler ; first div. of 38. Id. on Oct. 16. or any subsequent Wednesd ry ; Mr. Miller, Bristol-Taylor, Moreton-in the-Marsh. Gloucestershire, mercer ; second div. of 6d. with first div. of fis. on new proofs. on Ord. 16. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Miller, Bristol-Gor- don arid Co. Manchester, machine-makers; first die. of Is. 3d. on Oct. 15, or any sub- seqeunt Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser. Manchester.