[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I say how great a satisfaction it has been to read Professor Julian Huxley's letter in your issue of September 28th ? I am not one who can unreservedly condemn vivisection. Experiments are necessary to the advance of surgery, and they must be performed either upon human beings or upon animals. But such experiments upon animals as upon human beings, if they are at all severely painful, should, I think, not be made without the use, of anaesthetics. The Darwinian theory of Evolution naturally tends to accentuate man's sympathy with the lower animals ; but there is always the possibility—not, r am afraid, infrequently realized in some countries—that-men of science, in the enthusiasm of
their thirst for knowledge, may forget, or ignore, the serious danger of inflicting needless suffering. . ti It is a happiness then to reflect that all persons who are interested in the Zoological Gardens, however gravely they. 'nay disapprove vivisection, will be able to look with unquali- fied pleasure upon the administration of the Gardens under the auspices of Professor Julian Huxley's honoured name.- I
am, Sir, your obedient servant, J. E. C. WELLDON. The Dell, Sevenoaks, Kent.