It has been left to the Temps to comment on
one feature in the life of this country which I have not seen touched on elsewhere. At a time when the number of unemployed is still over two million, and a large proportion of those out of work are young men a little under, or a little over, 20, the army is still well below establishment. The reasons for that can only be matter for speculation. We are, in the main; an unwarlike race, and a military career has little attraction in itself for the private soldier. The strongly pacifist line taken by the Labour Party no doubt has effect with a section of potential recruits. The glamour of the red coat, for what' it was worth, has vanished. And probably a spirit of independence which takes ill to military discipline counts for something. But when all is said it is surprising that the certainty of good clothing, wholesome food and sufficient pocket-money attracts so few of the hundreds of thou:sands on the dole.
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