5 OCTOBER 1951, Page 5

The Duke of Windsor's failure to attend the Publishers' Representatives'

Dinner, which was the occasion of his visit to England, caused much disappointment and some perplexity. The Duke had at the last moment cancelled the Press Confer- ence he was to have given on Wednesday (whether such a function was advisable in any case is a different question) on the grounds that the King's health was still causing anxiety, but It was indicated that his engagement with the Publishers' Repre- sentatives on Friday evening would stand. That, however, was also cancelled twenty-four hours beforehand, on the same grounds of anxiety about the King's health, which, according to the bulletins, was continuing to improve steadily. Princess Elizabeth kept her engagement to attend the premiere of "The Lady With a Lamp" on the evening before the King's operation ; she went to Ascot on Thursday and again on Friday, this time accompanied by Princess Margaret—obviously with the Queen's full concurrence. On Saturday Princess Margaret left for Balmoral.