No, 70. G. H. GOETHART WHITE ( to men)
solution next week.
* It is a great temptation, and a dangerous weakness, to try to make more of an advantage than the position justifies. The following gain° from the British Championship illustrates this.
C. H. O'D. ALEXANDER Black G. AMS Opening, Ruy Lopez. ABMAH 2 Kt-K B 3 Kt-Q B 3 I P-K 4 PP - -43K 4k 3 222321 QQR - xxx RB3 c h I 1 x R
B x ,B 3' B-Kt 5
4 B-R 4 Kt-B 3 24 K-R 2 2;1 11
14 6 P-B 3 P-Q Kt 4 26 Q-Kt 5 Q-B 3 Q-Kt 2
5 Q-K 2 (o) B-K 2 25 Kt-B 3
7 B-Kt 3 P-Q 3 27 P-K 5 P x P
8 0-0 Kt-Q R 4 28 Q x K P (h) Q-B 1 9 II-13 2 P-11 4 29 Kt-Kt 5 (f) B x P (I)
10 P-Q 4 k-K 1
11 P-K R 3 (b) 0-0
Q-B 2 31 .K,1 x 13
1 Q1(t 5
Q-Q 3 cll
14 Kt-Kt 3 Kt x Kt (d) 34 R-R 8 ch IIK1 P4 ((k1))
2 12 P-Q 5 B-Q 2 32 K-Kt 1
13 Q Kt-Q 2 Kt-R 4 (e) 33 R x I' Q
IS P x Kt P-Kt 3 35 R-R 7 ch K-Kt 1
16 11-R 6 Kt-Kt 2 37 2:1126 (m) R-K B ch
being less thoroughly explored.
(a) Not quite so strong as 5 0-0, this haas wrthQRRQeoe!migiinteP1ri6i I idcCtcch(11/01: (6) This and the next move embody
17 Kt-Q 2 P-B 4 18 P-K II 4 K P x P (e) 38 K x R
19 R x P (f) Kt-R 4 39 K-K 1
20 R .>( P Kt-Kt 6 (s) 40 K-Q 2
White should play instead R-Q 1, followed by P X l■- r and Q Kt-Q 2-B 1-K 3. (e) Tempting but premature; he should continuo t° build up the position, e.g., by P-B 5 and Kt-Kt 2-11 4. , (d) Again overrating his position; he hopes for a kings side side attack and therefore does not want the queen drawn away to Q R 4, but he underestimates the value of 0 3 file to White.
(e) 18 . . . 11 P x P; 19 P x P gives White a clear positional advantage.
(../) Best and strong. 11 in reply 19 . . . P-Kt 4 (wit!' idea of P-K B 5), then 20 B x Kt. K x B; 21 P x r" P x R; 22 Q x B ch, R-B 2; 23 Q-Kt 5 ch, K-R 1; 24 Q x P, with much the better game. Black's best answer is 19 . . . P x P; 20 R x R ch, B x R; 21 Kt x P. but White still stands well. (g) Black must low a pawn or get into a variation similar to that in last note. As played, he gets soave counter-attack. (h) Not 28 Kt x P7 because of 28 . . . 1).-B 41; Old White is in trouble. ,,.. st 7 (I) Only satisfactory move against threat of R-...--- —but a very good one. (I) Inadequate but troublesome—and otherwise he 114s nothing, e.g., 29 ... Q-B 7?; 30 Q-K 7 or 29 . . . kl#4■,!,! 30 Kt-K 6, Q-B 7; 31 B-Q 3. Q x P: 32 R x P W"" winning attack. (k) If 32 ... R-K 7; 33 13-Q 3, R x P; 34 R-K 1-40 first Black tries to dislodge White queen.
(/)33...RxQorQxRleave White a piece LIP with no worries.
(m) From now on all Black's moves must be checks. a5 he cannot defend himself. (1) 40 ... Q-Kt 7 ch; 41 K-13 1, Q-B 8 ch; 42 B-Q it and all is over.