Proof of a dughead
Sir: A recent review by me of two books on Sir Yehudi Menuhin (7 September) con- tained a number of more or less unfortu- nate misprints. One proper name is mis- spelt, and I appeared to say the Menuhin's opinions 'are often visible', which they may be, but I wrote 'risible'. On the principle, Never complain, never explain, I didn't bother you or your readers, until reading the latest issue (28 September). On one page there is an opera review, interesting but anonymous since Mr Christiansen's (I suppose) name has slipped off the page. On another is a profile of Lord Carrington which refers, twice, to the Minister of Agri- culture in 1951 as 'Sir Thomas Dun- derdale', though he was more often known as Dugdale. I am left puzzling about the dugheads who read your proofs.
Geoffrey Wheatcroft
The Coach House, Crowe Hall, Widcombe, Bath