11111'111S, :4A Itli.I.AGES, AND DEATIIS.
'lICutrnc.—Oc the 25th nit. Lady Tli./aheth 1)runnutontl, of a son—On the 2501 nit. at Lill-liouse, Windsor Forest, the Lady of T.J. Enowlys, Esq. of a son—At Willi:un- rook, near Birr, eland, the 1.tuly of Captain George Cairnes, :111th Regiment, of twin Lady or the Rev. G. It. Green, 1:1,,11 College, of a Son—On the 27th ult. at Vemys,cteale, the Lady Emma AVeloys:, or a son—At Wycombe Abbgy, the Lady of he Right Hon. Loral Granville Somerset., of tt son—At Marchmont, Quebec, the Lady of ir T. N. I lill, lt.11.11. and A. Deputy Adjutant-General, of a son—Oil the 314t tilt. near lynnottil, the Lady or captuio ItieliinSon, R.N. who is now before a court-toartial at t•tsmotttli,,,I a son and heir.—At Inniscarra Glebe, the lady of Lieut.-Col. Beresford, LP., of a daa:,.11ter,
nawick, On the 17th July, Mann Spoon, Esq. AVestlield, Dundee, ) dloghter of Mr..1. Miller, merchant, flawiek—On the 211111 ult. at the Cathe- rat, Salisbury, Burnaby, Esq. of Baggrave.hall, in the comity of Lgicester, to
nne Caroline, young: at daughter of the late r. Salisbury. Esq. of Fortlinoton, in the nutty of Dorset—Ott the 2d ins:. at Aitlinelontrne, Sussex, N'iscootit Andover, m of the sort of so intik, to Isabella, Second daninter of the late Lord Henry Howard, ul niece to his Grace the Duke of Nori'o11:—Ott the 1st inst. at St. Mary's, 3im•y9eltone, tines 11110', or i.!,,ivers;.y Coth-ge, Oxford, to Stl:amia. Catherine, only daughter of
ieot.-Colonel Rowdy —titt 1st inst. at Petworth Church, the lion. Captain Arthur ichard 'rumour, R.N. sou of the Earl of 14'interton, to Charlotte Fitzlierbert, alert daughter of the t1e.n.,• Daysh, Esq. of New-grove, Petworth, Sussex—At
,00drord, in Vac o: is-s,•:, Charles simpson Hanson, Esq. of Constantinople, (!harlotte, only tnto ::11,•t. of t:o• 1,1e Robert Smith, :ILI). Speaker of the House
Assembly in the I oc1 of •fo:.:•.,- ;,—; itt4., at Cheltenham, the Rev. Luke mker, LL.D., F. e1e.tr Eli4abeth, youngest daughter of the to .1. Barclay, Eui., A711., of Contloit-,treot, hoodoo, :Ind niece of the late Colonel Sir . Barclay, li.C.11.—At Fakenham, for the third time, Mr. Thotrum !Hibbard, of the veld', ago of 7:1 ',who tier many years has supplied tie town with matches and water-
1,, :di-, Martha Frary, of the same place, ate,( 21.
DEATits.—t :11 of A.t,,,uta, at her house Cavendish-square, Mrs. Mary Tuf- dl, widow of the late ',V. 'rufne.1, 1aa. formerly 3I.P. for Coleimster—On the 29th tilt her house in t:amberweit.grove, aged 93. fire. 31ary Frances Ann Gallabin—At Stars- n 11,.ctory, Lieut.-General William Spencer, of Bramley-grange, Yorkshire—On the th ult, at her house at Exeter, :Mrs. Dacrea, WillOW or the late 1'ice-Achwiral it the 311th ult., al the house of his friend I,. Hensley, Esq., in (rent James-street, Bed- rd-row, the Rev. Hely Hutchinson Smith, son of the hate Hon. Mrs. Smith. and nephew the Earl or Donoitglintore.—On the 31st nit, the lady Anne Catherine 1,e,,,ge, daughter the late and sister to the present Earl of Sheldeld.