By the Lang, from New South Wales, list; of arrivals at that colony have been re_ :wed to the 7th of May. At a Court of Directors held at the India House, on 't,Vednesday, the Orwell, Thomas 71outts, and 1 Moira, which have completed their first charter, were taken up fur two ,• .ryages to China as regular ships, at 19/. 3s. per tom Tire ships of Melton:ming season viii be stationed on Lice Idth. inst.
Arrive:L-01f Portsmouth, Sept, 3d, Australia, Sleight, and off Pivmouth, Sept. 1st Lo•di, both from New South Wales—the latter sailed 7th of May. At Madeira, tuft 25th, Columbia, Kirkwood, from Liverpool, for Bengal; Aug. 3d, John Craig, troUng., from London, for Ceylon. At the Canaries, June 22d, II, C. Ship, Princess atatlotte of Wales, from London for Iltooml; July Sift. Lady of the Lake, Pearson, 'root London for New South Wales. At Mauritius, James Sibbald, Cole, from Bengal br London. At Batavia, previous to April Mb, Thomas, Parsons, from Liverpool. ••At Sydney, March 266, Fergosson, Groves ; April 15th, Mellish, Vincent, and Don- ' !aster, Middleton; ; 10th, 'Thomson, Hobbs • 211th, Edward, Gilbert ; and May 6th,
• lesource, Smith ; all from London • April ISth, William Young, Reynolds, front Leith. Sailed.—From Gravesend, Aug. 29th, Thalia, Bider), for Bengal; 30th, Wellington, for Madras ; aml Samoa Brown, Reid, for Mauritius; 31st, Providence, Ford, I.' Bengal; Sept. 2nd, Egyptian, Lillown, for Swan River.
7;.; Spoken.—Caroline, from London to Swan River, fah July, 6 north, 20 west. Morning ,Itar, front Loudon to Madras, ow the Cape, date not reported. Statira, from London to (muth 11th May, 26 north, 19 west. Henry Wellesley, from New South Wales to Lon- Ion, 11th Ang. 15 north, 27 west. .Itockingimm, from Madras to Loudon, off the Cape, ate not reported. SATURDAY MORNING.
Arrived.—Lord Melville, Brown, front London, at New South Wules.