Rut: a I.: It s tt f 0 1.%• E o—r. aid E. E. Luke, Cheapside, boot and shoe-makers Dawson ml Sadler, Trued-street. Paddington, and :Manchester, patent power-loom- annfact orta,—Wi;Mtinall and Cramp, Paternoster-row, booksellers—linstler and Bird, :fisted, Essex, fartnets—tleethant and Co. joiners—Hauman and Co, St. Do. logo, and \l'incti and CO. London, merchants—Alorgan, 'domino, and Jenkins, twy nybrai n, Carmarthenshiro, auctioneers—Clark and Fox, Ilermondsey-street, pawn- okers—W. and S. Skelton, Sutton Wash-way, Lincoinshire,eorn-dealers—ma,nm and txton, StainCorti, linen-drapers—it:Nyland Scott, Cheltenham, milliners—W.„1,, and Chapman, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, tailors—Worby and Simpson. Leeds, land- msy,,,s_itendle and su.mon, plyannorl, chemi.,ts—symons and Davy, Plymouth, ,al-merchants—Allev and Covering. Chiswell-street, Finsbury-square, stationers—W. id E. Jaques, Topeli.ffe, Yorkshire, coopers—Ileatlicoat and Co. Tiverton, Bing-street, ampsicle, and Nottiogham, lace-mannfacturers—J., .1. It., and E. It. he 31are, Spital- inure, silk-manufacturers: us far as regards E. It Le 3Iare—S. and It. Bentley, Dor- t-street, Fleet-street, printers—Charoicy and Co. Liverpool, carters.
BANKRUPTCY SUPEnsEDEIL—NV. EvANs, Liverpool, grocer.
li A NK Ii tI PTS.—[Fu Seirrendr,• (!t M.! Thlakra ntS' Can TS, lianinghall-street.] —C. I/Arts, tortes-street, Soho-square, general dealer, Sept. 8, 13, Oct. 13: solicitor, Mr. Speer, coact-street••bnildings—T, P. ADA:us, Cheapside, ailhman, Sept. 8, II, Oct. 13: solicitor, r..lottes. Ring's Arin,-yard, Coleman-street--M. S. loxN, Oxford-street, linen-draper, .pt, 4, 8,41ct. 13: solicitors, Stokes and liollinssworth, Cateaton-street—II. 11.11A re, ,cickenharn, innkeeper. Sept. 6, IS, ()LLB; : solicitors, Lys, 'l'ook's.coort, Chancsry
Ntunotts, Mitcham, silk-manufacturer, Sept. 11, 15, Oct. 13: solicitor, Mr. volt!, Warnford-court, Throgniort on-croft.
BANE R [`TS.— [ To surtru,l,r in, the Conntrfi.] —R. Pato Ha :II, Great Torrington, :alter, Sept. IS, Ill, (let. 13 : solicitors, Vi zard and Blower, Lincoln`s.inn-fields—G. N. ATES, Birmingham, caster and refiner of metals, Sept. 13, 16, Oct. 13 . solicitors, ohne and Co., New lnit—J. BantA nun nST, West-heath, Cheshire, siik-throwster, mt. 24, 26, Oct. I3: solicitors, Clarke, and Co., Lineolirs-inn-fields.
Ili V I I I.: 23, G., XV., and G. Sharp, Threadneedle-sheet, merchants—Oct. l■avy, Bode, Cornwall, merchant—Sept. 23, Noble, Narrow-wail, Lambeth, merchant s,pt. :2, AA'. and .1. Fry, and J. Chapin:in, St. iliiittreirs•courl, Poultry, bankers— lit. 22, Darby, Rotallane, wholesale-perfumer—stmt.. 22, Howson, Newcastle-under- yme, ricer—Sept. 29, Featherstone, Exeter, toyman—Sept. 24, Dale and Walton, ewcastli.upon-Tyne, ship-brokers—Sept. 26. Clare, I.iverpool, grocer—Sept. 13, hontas, lilandaiard, wine-merchant—Sept. 22. Wigzell, Lime-street, agent—Sept. 15, ilbert, Ithimpsgate-strect. without, grocer—Sept. 23, G. and It. Hilton, Manchester 1/1 Chorle:, merchants—Sept. 22. Clarke, 31anchester, grocer—Sept. 22, Williams, c I adas- late, Lombard-street, 1 tie reliant.
CERTIFIC.TEs to he granted, unless cause he shown to the ,onfrary on Or before Sept. .—Lazarus; Ittiseinziry.lane and Blue Anchor-road, Bermondsey, rope-merchant—Mil- ; Fleet-street, Lollec-house-keeper—Freeman, Prince's-street, Westiniustera compo. sition-ornament-maker—Stratford, Tottenham-court-road, catlerl—Topping, Liverpool, boot and shoemaker—Garbutt, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchantHammond, Eye, vie. tualler-7Everett, New Broad-street, merchant—Bacon, Commercial-road, Lambeth, carpenter—Moorhouse, Hebden-bridge, Yorkshire, and Manchester, cotton-spinner- 31. and W. Nevett, Liverpool, brokers.
Kiday, August 28.
PARTNERS DIPS DissoLvieu.—Morris and hackney, Deptford, millwrights—J. Con- sens, .1. and J. Cousens, Westbourne, merchants—Young and Bromwich, Newgate Market, carcass butchers—Savage and W'right, Mark-lane, corn-factors—Stephens and Hills, Maidstone, attorneys—NV. 51. and T. Maxfield, Leeds, linen drapers—Gonlding and Hannay, Liverpool, sail makers—Ackers and Bowers, Liverpool, merchants—Glad- stone and Co., Liverpoul—Meadows and 11Ieldrum, Oxford, silk mercers—Stranack and Co., Loudon—Robinson and Co., Leeds, printers—W. and I). Hopkins Davies-street, coach makers—Midgley and Kershaw, Wakefield, brick layers—Jelf and Wrench, Bullo Pill, Gloucestershire, marble manufecturers—Gyett and Bowles, Warwick-street, man's mercers—Cooper and Stratton, Coventry, coal.merchants—Houstuan and Joyce, Liver- pool, colour manufacturers—Elton and Quarterman, Sloane-street, dyers—Reoger and Veersten—R. and W. Weld, Maidstone, farmers—Hart and Co., Christ Church, cur. riers—Fletcher, sell., and Co., Manchester, cotton manufactitrers—Wood and Co., 21en- cheater, cotton thread manufacturers, as far as regards Davies—J. and T. Nuance, Wantage, inn-keepers—D. and ill. A. Pringle, Alninick, boarding school keepers—Ea- wards and Clarkson, Kingston-upon-Hull, tlax dressers—IV. Ilackwood, jun. and Co., Hanley. china manufacturers.
BA a I; RUPTS.—[ra surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Bosinwhall-street.]—W. a•
HICK, North-row, Park-lane, livery-stable-keeper, Sept. 8, 25, Oct. 16 solicitor, Mr• Camp, New-inn—T. WHITE, Johnson's-court, Fleet-street, printer, Sept. 15, 18, Oct. Id: solicitor, Sir. Newland, Craven-street—II. ANsEt u., Colchester-street, Savage-gartlen, watch-manufacturer, Sept. 8, 13, Oct. i6: solicitor, Mr. Spyer, Broad-street-buildin,;
—W. It. GA itoN Harpor.street, Red Lion-square, engraver, Sept. 13, IS, GO. III; solicitor, Mr. Reynolds, Carmarthen-street —W. esTine innoncE, NVInitechapel, linen. draper, Sept. 8, 13, Oct. 16: solicitor, 31r. Jones, Si,:e-lane—W. Btort.n it, Birmingham, mother-of-pearl button-manufacturer, Sept. 15, IS, Oct. 16 : solicitor, Mr. Crosby, Bucklersbury—J. :MARSDEN, BI'ValiA011C-street. paper-hanger, Sept. 8, 13, Ott. la: solicitor, Mr. Bull, Ely-place—J. LI as ut.r., Finchitoftield, grocer, Sept. I 1, 13, Oct Id: solicitors, Amory and Coles, Throgmorton-street—S. STON Redid'', farmer, St•pt. 13, Oct. 16 solicitor, Mr. Nukes, Southamptonostreet, Bloomsbury-square—T. Oxford-street, bookseller, Sept. 11, 13, Oct. 16: solicitors, Birkett, and Co. Cloak-lane —.I. A. TAytntt, Birmingham, iron-founder, Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 16: solicitor,51r. Spencer, Tavistock-street.
B3. ca li!turrs.—fTo surrender in the Country.—E. Vito, St. Philip and Jacob, Glen ce,tershire, victualler, Sept. 17, P6, Oct. id: solicitors, Horton and Son, Emilie:Ws-inn Se.% N, North Shields, victualler, Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 16 : solicitor, Mr. Blinn, Ray-
momPs-Imiltlings—F. WYATT, Plymouth, grocer, Sept. Id, 17, Oct. 16 : solicitor, r. Smith, Basingliali.street—J. sulT11 and W.Fl.sTcti s ft, Pendleton, Lancashire, dyer:, t:ept. 16, 17, Oct. Id solicitors, Appleby and Charnock, Raymond-buildings-11. Ft r %PATRICK, Manchester, shopkeeper, Sept. id, 19, Oct. id : solicitors, Appleby and
Charnock, Itaymoncl-buildings—.1. flood soN, Manchester, public:1u, Sept. 15, Id, Oct. I6: solicitors, Adlitr:ron and Co. Bedford-row—.1. and W. PARNAt..1., Bristol, Copper- smiths, Sept. 18, 13, Oct. 1d: solicitor, Sir. Boordillon, Bread-street, Cheapsitte.
DIVIDONDS.—Sept. 29, Duff and Browne, Liverpool, merchants—Nov. 27, 3111111, Castle- Hetlinghatn, hop-merchant—Oct. 6, Gibbons, Ilolywell-street, scavenger—Sept. 8, Kirkby, Ilawkshozal, botcher—Oct. I, Lyons, Manchester, publican—Oct. 9, S. :tad it. Boardman, Liverpool, merchants—Sept. 23, Davies. Surrey Canal-bank, Cambertv,•11, c‘.7ti.merelnant—Sept. 23, Oldershaw, urine-merchant—Sept. 23, Boykin-, AVootton-tualer- Edge, clothier—Sept. 23, larris, Gracechurch-stroot, auctioneer—Sept. Etalcock, strand, printseller—Sept 26, Brooke, Gainsborough—innkeeper—Sept. 29, )1 organ, Bristol, hook
Cnortgt CATI:s to he granted, unless Cann' he shown to the contrary, on or hefore Sept. Foul. Sun,, Commercial-road, carman—E. M. Page, jun., commis,ion-agent- Stoneltouse, Mincing-lane and Larishall, wine-merchant—Duncombe, Brotnsgrove,