STOCK. EKCOANCE, SATURHAY MORNING.—There has been a good deal of business in our Stock Market this week, more particularly in the early part of it, previous to the closing of the .Reduced 3 and 31 per Cents, and 4 per Cents, 1826, for the Dividends, which are paynble next month. In the Consols Market, the first price of Monday last was S8, and the dealers appeared rather anxious to sell at that price ; but the Hebrew party appearing determined-to support the market, and purchasing boldly, and it becoming known that the French Funds had advanced, the sellers became buyers, and Consols speedily recovered to 89.f. Subsequently, there has been a rather general disposition to make sales ; but the effect of this has been counteracted by the Jews, who have invariably supported the market, when- ever it appeared weak. Since Monday the price has fluctuated, between 691 and 89: the first price of this morning was 69, sellers, and there are now buyers at that price.
Tae-failures of last week do not appear to have excited any permanent alarm, nor haVehey to any great extent impaired confidence, money being
still abundant. In proof of this abundance, the price of Exchequer Bills has advanced to 67 and 68 prem., in the face of a notice from the Exchequer Office, that the interest is to be reduced from 2d. to lit/. per day.
In the Foreign Market, the prices of the Continental Stocks are still mar- vellously high. Russian has been done at 991, without the dividend; Danish at 691; and Prussian at 104.
In the South American Market, Brazil Bonds have advanced to 591 ; and Buenos Ayres, upon the news of peace which arrived from thence on Thurs. day, to 224. In the others there is not any change worth notice, except in poor unfortunate Peruvian, which have fallen to 91. Portuguese Stock has risen to 46, but wherefore, no one pretends to know. Spanish, on the other hand, has been gradually sinking, and is now at from 81 to Si. In the Share Market there has been little or no business, and nothing worthy of notice.
Twelve o'caocr.—A good deal of Money Stock has been sold, but the Market is not worse. At the moment, there is not much doing. Price of Consols, S8a to 881 for Money, and 881 to 89 for the Account.
BRITISH FUNDS. Bank Stock, div. 8 per Cent. per Cent. Reduced, 3 per Cent. Consols, 84 88/j 31 per Cent. 1818,
31 per Cent. Reduced, 94 New 4 per Cents. 1822, 1021 1021
4 per Cents. 1821, Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan.
1660) 20 1-18th India Stock, div. 101 per Cent. Smith Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent. 98 India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter 3 per Cent.) Exchequer Bills, (interest 28. per cent. per diem,) 87 G8 Consols for Account 883 S9 FOREIGN FUNDS.
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent, 59 591 Buenos Ayres, 1 per Cent. 211 221 Chilian, 6 per Cent. 16 17 Colombian, 151 161 Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. Danish, 3 per Cent. 694 691 French 5 per Cents. Ditto 3 per Cents. Greek 5 per Cent. 131 141 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 17i 181 Neapolitan,5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 91 101 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 451 461 Prussian, Russian, 90.1. 991 Spanish, Si 81 SHARES.
Anglo-Mexican, 251.
Brazilian, Imperial, 731. 751. Real del Monte, 601. 851. Bolanos, 2301. Colombian, United Mexican, 11/. HI. 10s.