Mr. Herbert, the British Charge d'Affaires, seems to have behaved
with great strength, promptitude, and courage, and deserves the gratitude of the nation. He landed marines from the 'Dryad' to protect the British post-office and Embassy against the mob, and sent the Dragoman to inform the Sultan, who begged that the marines might be re-embarked, promising every necessary measure to restore order. Mr. Herbert stoutly refused. This is said to have "much upset" the Sultan. Another version of the incident states that when the marines or bluejackets were going through the streets they came upon a portion of the mob engaged in the work of massacre. The victims fled for protection to our sailors, who of course refused to give them back to be killed. The Sultan, in regard to this action, is said to have asked Mr. Herbert whether he was aware that the marines were on foreign soil. Mr. Herbert replied that wherever they were they would prevent outrage.