RABBIT SNARES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am
able to testify that the spring snares sold by Mr. A. W. Aucott, of 9 Perry Road, Park Row, Bristol, kill in- stantaneously in grass runs. Apart from the humanitarian side of the matter, rabbits killed in this way are by far the best for the table. These snares are not yet perfect, and I doubt whether a professional trapper could use them economically ; but I understand that they are being improved. In their present form they are suitable for the use of a private estate owner who dislikes the ordinary snare, even the knotted ones. To avoid misunderstandings I add that I am not interested financially in the sale of these snares, nor am I connected in any way with the present R.S.P.C.A.—I am, Sir, &c., Kirkosreald, Penrith, Cumberland.