Portugal The revolt that caused fifty deaths and many woundings
in Lisbon last week was suppressed by the Government and loyal troops in two or three days. The rest of Portugal showed comparatively little interest. Those who_ enjoyed or profited by the old Rotatavist politics have little to live for except to harass General Camorna, which they have done in Portugal, Madeira and Guinea. He, however, has gone on ruling the country and given Professor Salazar a free hand for his successful reformation of finance. His Minister of War was the peg on which the last revolt was hung, for the Minister took the part of certain officers who were being punished and his dismissal nominally caused the -revolt. Communist and civilian politicians persuaded an artillery regiment to mutiny. They attacked other barracks and fired their guns and machine guns about the city, taking a toll of life out of all proportion to the futile effort to bring down the Dictatorship. These revolts are encouraged by exiled politicians and others who, not being Portuguese at all, risk nothing and have no substitute to offer for the present Government.
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