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One would like to have the view of Sir Ernest Benn, chain- pion of individualism, on the statement by the Italian Minister of Justice, Signor Rocco, that Fascism being " eminently social " is " therefore clearly anti-individualistic." Would Sir Ernest admit that his principles are " clearly anti-social " ? This is but one of many startling announcements contained in What is Fascism and Why ? which Messrs. Benn publish at 15s. The book compares unfavourably with other propaganda issued here. What is the use, for example, of claiming that Italy has been "pre-eminent in the last years" in international affahs and has " formulated the solution of problems which time and necessity have led all the Powers to accept " ? It simply is not true. The book has a foreign appearance (an Italian printer's name is on it), its English is frequently at fault, and the articles are not always informative or interesting. The Italian Ministers who write them may have performed wonders, but they cannot describe or explain what they have done.