Professor Pringle -Pattison Scotland has lost a truly great philosopher
in Professor Seth Pringle-Pattison, who died on Monday at the age of seventy-five. He was educated at Edinburgh under Campbell Fraser, with the late Lord Haldane as one of his class-mates, and as lecturer and professor (1891-1919), he spent most of his working life at his old University. A learned and attractive writer, he gained a world-wide reputation by his many books which have done much, in contrast to the prevailing materialism, to strengthen the idealist school which the English temperamentfinds so congenial. Pringle-Pattison was too good a Scot merely to restate the doctrines of our English Berkeley, but he was in the lineal succession of the good Bishop. He is best known by his masterly work, The Idea of God in the Light of Recent Philosophy (1917). No fuller or better statement of the theistic case has appeared in our day. In private life the Professor was a laird with large estates in Selkirkshire, where he was highly popular.