5 SEPTEMBER 1958, Page 22


SIR,—May I say how heartening it was to read your comments on the recently published Lambeth Con- ference Report? The article was a little disappoint- ingly brief, but its comprehensiveness in comparison , with accounts on the pages of the popular press must have been welcome to many Anglican Christians who are horrified at the way the newspapers relegated a truly great and worth-while conference to something resembling a Much Upping Moral and Medical

Centre (women's section) committee .1peeting.

The situation unfortunately lays bare a far more startling wrong than the mere misrepresentation of a bishops' meeting. It shows how a not too discriminat- ing (ethically) press can use the intellectual and social disinterest of an almost completely plensure-seeking nation to channel the moral and ethiCal perception of that nation. Such is the attraction nowadays of pleasurable time-wasters like sport and television that even well-educated people aim to keep 'up to date' with most new developments through the medium offered by the popular press. This fact invests in the press a tremendous responsibility, and the misuse of this responsibility over the Lambeth report (pre- sumably in order to culture that great circulation booster—sex—I can see no other reason for it) is not a little frightening. I find myself wondering whether my understanding of current events is as far from reality as the shadows cast in Plato's cave. I thank God that in the thing that really matters—my faith —I can always turn to the original.—Yours faith- fully,