5 SEPTEMBER 1992, Page 26

Household cleaning

Sir: I was interested to read Sir Fitzroy Maclean's account of Evelyn Waugh's con- frontation with Marshal Tito, and in partic- ular with the item of equipment described as `SPURO' displayed as part of his Blues regalia (Letters, 8 August).

When I was in the sister regiment of the Household Cavalry we used to clean all metal parts of our equipment with Brasso. This included spurs. There may, of course, have been a particular brand of metal pol- ish available during the second world war used entirely or exclusively for polishing spurs, and, if there was, this must be what Sir Fitzroy is referring to, but I have never come across it.

However, from Sir Fitzroy's letter it is unclear whether Evelyn Waugh was actual- ly wearing spurs, and, if he was not, why would he have bothered to exhibit the pol- ish to Marshal Tito?

D.R. Strangwayes-Booth

Scotlands House, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire