6 APRIL 1839, Page 12



The Life of Edward Gibbon, Esq., with Selections from his Correspondence, sad Illustrations. By the Rev. H. H. Minna, Prebendary of St. Peters, Ike. Sze, '


Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. to which is added, Remark's on Party, and an Appendix. First Series. By Beery Lord Brougham, F.R.S., and Member of the National Institute °thence.

Knight and Co.

The Literary Character ; or the History of Men of Genius, drawn from their ono Feelings and Confessions. By J. D'Israeli, D.C.L.,F.S.A., Re. Fifth edition,

' revised Maroc


A Memoir of Edward Foster Bradv, late Superintendent of Croydon School, Con. Wolin chiefly of Extracts from his Letters and Journal ,, 'Harney and Air* The ,B51lantyne-11ambus Handled, in a Letter to SirmAt:taramii;Fceargud;o16:1041.s. Authpr of " Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott,"