6 APRIL 1839, Page 3

At a meeting of the City of London Corporation Reform

Society, held on Wednesday, it was stated that 7,000 signatures had been at- tached to a petition for reforming the Corporation. It was also affirmed, in contradiction to the statements of Sir Peter Laurie, that the City Police was not so efficient, but more expensive than the Police of the boroughs of Maryleboue.

The election of Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England takes place on Tuesday, and the choice of Directors on Wed- nesday next.

'Ile Church and Auti-Church parties in Lambeth have been en- gaged this week in a fierce contest respecting the election of various parochial officers. The Rector, Dr. D'Oyley, takes part with the Church and Tory party, and is exceedingly unpopular. He insists upon_ the poll being taken within the porches of the church, although the t7hurchwardens desired the vestry-room to be used fbr the election, and on a former occasion, procured authority front the Court of Queen's Beneh to hold it there. Several actions have been commenced against the Rector for his illegal conduct. The poll, which commenced on Wednesday, closed last night, with the election of the Liberal Church. wardens, by a majority of 2,259 to 1,975 over the Tory candidates.

On Wednesday night, at a numerous meeting of newsvenders, held at the Lyceum Tavern, Strand, a benevolent institution for the support of aged and infirm distressed persons engaged in the news trade was founded. Subscriptions to the amount of 80/. were received.

A quarterly general meeting of the subscribers to the Royal Free Hospital was held on Tuesday evening, in the Board-room, Greville Street ; Mr. Duncan Campbell in the chair. The report wan read ; from which it appeared, that during the quarter 62 persons, utterly friendless and diseased, leul been admitted into the wards of the hospital, and that 2,700 had participated in the benefits of the charity as out-door patients, consisting chiefly of those afflicted with malignant and contagious mala- dies. The report also stated, that although the doors of the institution were daily crowded with the most wretched objects of human suffering, the depressed state of the funds rendered it impossible to afford them all that protection which their forlorn anti suffering condition called for. It was consequently resolved to make a strong and urgent appeal to the public for further pecuniary aid.

At a meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Strand ['Mon, on Teesday, thanks for their services were unanimously voted to Mr. Edward Willoughby, Chairman, and Sir Francis Ommaney, Vice- Chairman of the Board ; to Mr. Charlewood, Chairman of the Visiting and Building Committee ; and to Mr. Corder, Clerk of the Union. In the vote to Mr. Corder, the Board " especially approves of the accu- racy anti despatch with which the accounts are kept, and by which it is enabled to discharge all its engagements on quarter-day, and to have its accounts audited at the earliest possible period."

The cold amid rainy weather bas spoiled the sport of Greenwich holy- day-makers this Easter. The steam-boats have taken deem less by one-half this year than last ; and, with the exception of a few trains at particular hours, not more than the usual number of passengers was conveyed by the railway. Time booths and shows were miserably attended, and the stall-keepers stood shivering on the damp earth with pitiful looks and nothing to do.