The National Convention held a meeting on Wednesday. The con-
versation had reference chiefly to the had attendance of members, and the necessity of calling upon their constituents to require more dili- gence. The Birmingham Delegates have formally withdrawn from the Convention.
On Thursday, the Convention adopted a petition to both Houses of Parliament for the restoration of the ancient right of cleating Magis- trates, end that Mr. Frost be replaced on the connnission of the peace. After a long squabble as to the persons to whom the petition should be confided for presentation, it was agreed that Mr. Harvey should be seleesed to present it to the Commons, and Earl Stanhope to the Lords; and that Messrs. Dillon Browne, Thomas Attwood, Leal r Wit iiams, Brotherten, end Johnson, should be requested u■ support the petition in the Commons. Mr. Harvey having offered his !■,gal assist- ance to the Convention, a vote of thanks was passed to him, by a ma- jority of sac, after a discussion in which lawyers were denounced as the natural enemies of the working classes.