In the Under-Sheriff's Court, on Wednesday, a Jury gave 500/.
da- mages against a Mr. Hamilton to Mr. Pemberton, whose wife the for-
mer had seduced. Mr. Pemberton is a solicitor of large praelice ; Mr. Hamilton was his articled clerk, and. only twenty years of age. Mrs. Pemberton is described as a very "lively lady," about forty years old, and the mother of nine children.
At the Westminster Sessions, on Thursday, Samuel Evans, known as the pugilist Dutch Sam, was sentenced to three months' imprison- ment, for a violent assault on a Policeman, in a public-house, on the 17th of February. In mitigation of punishment, his costasel argued that the prisoner had been encouraged to the commission of the offence by noblemen and gentlemen, who had left hint to get out of the serape as he could.
At the Bow Street Office, on Wednesday, Harris Casper and Lewis Casper, father and son, both Jews, were remanded on a charge of
having fraudulently obtained the boxes of gold-dust from the Dublin Steam Navigatioa Company's Wharf. The particulars of this theft were mentioned last week. It appeared on Wednesday, that the youeger
prisoner was clerk to the Company ; that the handwriting of the letter on which he delivered the boxes was different from that of the. person who had shipped the goods to London front Falmouth ; snot that the boxes ought to have been sent to the Bullion Office at the Bank.
On the same day, the Magistrates fined the British and Foreign Pa- tent Invention Company 51., for publishing the prospectus of e Corn-
patsy without the publisher's name on the fly-leaf. The ease was brought before the Magistrates by Stowell the informer a and the law, under the Act 39th George the Third, being explicit, the tine was re-
luctantly imposed. It appeared that twenty-four Other penalties might be levied from the Compauy, and twenty-five from every other guilty of a similar breach of the law ; and a person on behalf of the I 'ompany innnediately laid the t Well ty-four informations, and recovered the penalty of 5/, upon each : in this way the informer was defeated.
At the 3Iarylebone Office, on Monday, Edward Trabway. a hel about twelve years of age, was charged with stealing a few ha'fp.. ss. from an apple-woman in the New Road. Being questioned bv Ii NEagiS• trate, the had said he had been sent out by the Children's I tel So- ciety, with other boys, to the Cape of Good Hope ; wlwre li at been
badly used, and sold with others to a Dutchman, for ten gui .eis: he escaped, aud worked his way over in a vessel to England. This story was partly confirmed by a man, who said that one of his chi ideen had been taken away by tbs. Society. and that he could gain eo lings of him. Captain Brenton, manager of the Children's Friend S wiely, was sent for to the office, and had some private communieatioe milli the Magistrate and the la ty. 'rile investigation was put off tii W t,,esday ; when the buy was again brought forward.; but Captaie lite a on was
not present, and nothing was done. The boy is known • s at thief and a liar.
The Police having, on more than one occasion within a y short period, been censured by the Magistrates for the harsh manner in which children have been treated, viz, by being locked up all night in station- houses, for the offence of amusing themselves at various 4ames on Sunday afternoon, it has been deemed advisable by the Commissioners to issue the following order. "The attention of the Superintendents is called to the circumstance of a boy being taken into custody by one of the K division, on Sunday evening last, for throwing stones and play- ing at cricket ; and the whole of the men are to be'reminded that the law does not justify them in apprehending or locking up a party for Such acts as above described: in such cases, the Police may ascertain the names of the parties so misconducting themselves, or identify them in any other way, in order that any one aggrieved may apply to a Ma- gistrate for a summons."