Lord Ebrington arrived in Dublin on Wednesday. A large assem- blage of every description of persons welcomed him. He rode on horseback from Kingstown to the Castle, bowing to the cheering mul- titude who lined his path. He refused to receive an address from the Dublin Coporation, containing some offensive expressions ; and has changed his livery from purple and orange to purple and yellow.
At meetings in Dublin, and in Kildare and Queen's Counties, ad- dresses expressive of gratitude to Lord Normamby have been adopted, and resolutions passed to support the present Ministers. Preparations are making throughout the country for assembling meetings with a similar purpose.
Mr. Stanley, Secretary to the Treasury, has written to the Parlia- mentary supporters of the Ministry to be at their posts on the 15th of April, as the debate on that night will decide the fate of the Govern- ment.—Saunders's News Letter.
We see no symptoms of honesty among the Irish Members, Liberal or Illiberal, if we except a very small fraction of them, indeed. On the one side, the rule is, to abuse Ireland and Lord Normanby—the abuse now to he transferred to Lord Fortescue ; on the other, to do as the Ministry do, right or wrong. We wish the Precursor Society, in- stead of spending all its wrath upon Mr. Purcell, with the exception of a little occasionally reserved for ourselves, would set about rebuking those Irish Liberal Members who so glaringly abandon their duty. A call upon the people of Tipperary, to dismiss that sneaking little
apostate, Shell; Would do very well as a commencement.—Northera
The Honourable and Reverend Mr. Plunkett, the Dean of Down, has been promotedto the Bishopric of Tuam and Killala.