By the decease of Sir John Dunlop, who died at
Hastings on Wed- nesday, there is a vacancy, with a probable contest, for Ayrshire. At the last election, the numbers polled for Sir John Dunlop, the Liberal, were 1,559; for Lord Kelburne, the Conservative, 1,370 ; Liberal ma- jority 189.
A meeting of the members of the Glasgow Anti-Corn-law Associa- tion was held on Wednesday. The report of the Delegates was rend and agreed to ; and resolutions were passed expressing "deep and well- founded indignation at the refusal of both Houses of the Legislature, not merely to repeal or modify, but even to inquire into, the operation of the iniquitous Corn and Provision-laws ; " declaring the adhesion et the Association to the Anti-Corn-law League ; and " that it shall be a standing instruction to all Delegates who shall from time to time be appointed to represent it in the general meetings of the Anti-Corn-law League, to impress upon that body the necessity of coiiperating with all and every class of citizens who shall be actively engaged in pree, moting such a peaceable but thoroughgoing reform of our electoral system as shall leave no class of the community without its due share of influence in the Legislature, and shall render the House of Cominons amenable to the real people, and not alone to a preponderating landed interest." Some absurd Chartists moved the omission of the last reso- lution ; but only seven hands were held up in support of the stupid motion,