Sir Robert Peel, who has usually passed the Easter holydays at Drayton, remains in town. He has issued cards for a grand party on the 10th instant.
The Earl of Derby is again better, and Lord Stanley has retumedin town.
A correspondent of the Morning Chronicle says, that "a council of war" was held on Thursday at the Carlton Club, to consider the pm- bable result of a general clectiou. Mr. Bonham and Mr. Horace Twiss are mentioned as among those present ; and Mr. Croucher, the well- known electioneering agent, assisted at the inspection of various county and borough lists.
Mr. Hume is gone to Paris. It is said he will return before the lath, to vote on Lord John Russell's motion. How to vote, must rather per- plex the Member for Kilkenny; and if indisposition shodd detain him in Paris beyond the eventful day, nobody would be surprised.