6 APRIL 1839, Page 7



The session of the French Chambers was opened on Thursday, by commission. In the Chamber of Peers, the Commissioners were the

Duke uss MONTEBELLO, GIROD de and PARANT. GASPARIN, as, Minister of the Interior, read the Royal Ordinance in the Chamber of Deputies. M. GRAS PREVILLE, the senior Deputy, took the chair. The Left and Left Centre benches were crowded ; but on the right, oc- cupied by the late Ministerialists and. King's friends, there were many vacancies. PREVILLE, according to custom, drew forth the names of: members to form the Bureaus or Standing Committees. These Com- mittees proceeded to elect Presidents with the tbllowing results—four were "old Ministerialists," four Opposition, and one neuter. The Doc- trinaires had agreed to vote for the oldest member in each Bureau for President; and it so happened that they decided the election of one: President of each party; so that their neutrality was practically, though accidentally, evinced. But, it is said, no conclusion as to the strength of parties can be drawn from elections in Bureans. An immense crowd of angry people beset the Chambers ; and. the unusual number of military and police showed fear of disturbance; but none took place. The Times correspondent says, "The air and attitude. of the popular assemblage were truly alarming."

Socur had recommenced his endeavours to form a Ministry. He is said to have been completely gained over, with his Son, by the King. Oinu.ox 13Artuor is the candidate of the Left and the Left Centre for the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies; the old Ministerialists are divided between DI:CHAT/N. and CUNIN GIUD.V1NE.