The Revenue Accounts, for the year and quarter ending April
5th, were made up last night. Compared with the year ending 5th April 1838, they exhibit an increase of 2,132,806?.; the total of 1838 being. 42,608,391/.—of 1839, 44,741,257/. The receipts of the quarter endimr° 5th April 1838, were 8,129,714E; of the quarter ending 5th April 1839, 8,4,957/.; increase on the quar- ter, 565,243/.
On the Customs, the increase for the year is 1,053,179/. ; on the quarter, 349,899/. On the Excise, the increase for the year is 334,024/.; for the quarter, 135,058/. On the Stamps, the increase fur the year is 143,101/4 but there is a decrease on the quarter of 7,941/. On the Post-office, the increase on the year is 29,000/. ; on the quarter, 23,000/. There is a decrease on the quarter of 25,0001. in the receipts from. Crown Lands.
These sums are given as we find them in the 'account; where the "in- crease on the year" is put down at 2,132,866/. On looking closely, however, it appears that the augmentation of " ordinary revenue" is in fact only- 1,688,103/. The difference is caused by the deduction. £',l32,866
444,763 Real increase of ordinary revenue X1,683,103
The excess over the receipts of' the year ending in _Ilan 1838 is con- siderable, and gratifying, notwithstanding the deductions which fairness requires. That financial year, however, included three quarters of the di,astrous 1837 ; and if we go back to the preriwts financial year, Ire .11all find, although the population has increased, a diminution of comparative receipts in the yearjust closed, amounting to 719,272/. With an ex penditare very much larger than that of 1837, there is. a smaller income. What the actual expenditure for the last year was and the current year will probably be—including the cost of the Canada way- fare--the Chancellor of the Exchequer ought now immediately to explain.
[The pressure on our space compels us to defer the insertion of the detailed aceounts till next week.]
1. Of lmprest and other monies £233,641 2. Of Repayment of Advances 131,122 3. Of Receipts from Crown Lands 80,000