OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, April 1.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-The. Rev. G. B. Tuson RD. to be Chaplain, vice Henslowe, resigned. WAR•OFFICE. April 5.-Ist Life Guards -I. T. Clifton, Gent, to be Cornet and Sub. Limit, by purchase, vice Fitzgerald, who retires. 5th Dragoons Guards-Cornet A. Prime to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Whitaker, who retires; W. Barnett, Gent, to be Lieut. Cornet, by purchase, vice Prime. 1st. Drags.-Lieut. W. T. Wotlehouse, from the 99th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice R. S, Wilkinson, who reverts to his former pay as an (Auer of the Rival Marines. 7th Foot- Capt. It. Wilbraham, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt, vice W. Campbell, who exchanges. 20th Foot-Major It. Au. struther, from half-pay unattached, to be Major, vice P. Mair, who exchanges. 23d Foot-Second Lima. A. Cathcart to be First Lieut. vice Barrow, who retires; A. Jones. Gent, to be Second Lieut, by purchase, vice Cathcart. 26th Foot -Ensign II. 3. W. Postlethwaite to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Shun, promoted; A. F. Wallace, Gent, to be Endign. by purchase. vice Postlethwaite. 42d Foot-Capt. G. Montagu, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice 0. M'Iyer, who exellanges. 46th Foot-. Lieut. W. T. Bremner to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gusselin, who retires ; Ensign II. Mordaunt to be Lieut. biy purchase, vice Bremner; A. Wombwell, Gent, to be Ensign', by purchase, vice Moruaunt. 70th Foot - Lieut. E. Kelsall to be Capt. withoet pur- chase, vice Harvey, deceased. 88th Foot-Ensign 0. F. Stuart to be Lieut. by par. chase, vice Fawkes, who retires ; B. Bayley, Gent. 8.1 be Ensign, by pretense, vice Stuart. 89th Foot-F, Stalf-Amist.-Sarg. M.111' Dermott, M.D. to he Surg. vice thr, deceased. 90th Foot-F. B. Morley, Gent, to be Ensign,, Vice Wooll- combe, who retires. 97th Foot -F. E. Evans, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Oarforth, promoted. Hospital Staff-N, O'Connor, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. ta the Forces, vice ISI'Der- Mat, promoted in the 89th Foot. Ihevet-Capt. G. Montagu, of the 42d Foot, to be Major in the Army. • Memorandum -The Chrudian names of Ensign Sherlock, or the 82d Foot,:are Francis George, sod not Thomas George.