Canon Paget writes an admirable letter to yesterday's Times, in
answer to that letter of the Dean of Windsor's on
which we have commented elsewhere. He makes the very important point that an Ecclesiastical Court not overridden by political and lay influence is not really at all inconsistent with an Establishment, since that is exactly the kind of Court recognised by the Established Church of Scotland. " In 1870," says Canon Paget, four Judges in the Court of Session agreed to a judgment resting on this ground,—" That within their spiritual province the Church Courts are as supreme as we are within the civil The General Assembly is the supreme Ecclesiastical Court in Scotland." It may be said that Parliament will never concede for the English Establish- ment what it concedes for the Scotch Establishment. But is that so certain ? And even if it be true, are not the Ritualists fairly justified in asking for as much ecclesiastical inde- pendence as the Presbyterians ?