Answers to Questions on Philosophy
I. The Athenian philosopher, Solon to Croesus, King of Lydia (sixth century D.c.).-2. (a) Socrates (fifth century D.c.), (b) Plato who defended his master in the Apology.-3. Heracleitus of Ephesus (sixth century B.c.).-4. St. Augustine of Hippo (fourth century A.D.), by the prayers of his mother, .Monica. He wrote The City of God.-5. Francis Bacon, author of the Novara Organuta (born 1560).-0. Duns Scotus, a Franciscan (born 1274) ; Thomas Aquinas (born 1227).-7. St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090).- 8. Immanuel Kant (1724). The Critique of Pure Reason.-9. Cogito ergo sum, " I think, therefore, I am."-10. Auguste Comte (1798), " Regard for others." Henry James of Harvard U.S. (nineteenth century), " doctrine of practical values."-11. The German Nietzsche (nineteenth century), described as an " im- moralist."-12. Bishop Butler (eighteenth century), " The Ana- logy of Religion : A comparison between natural and revealed religion."-13. Professor Huxley (nineteenth .century). " One who holds that God and spiritual things cannot be known."