6 APRIL 1929, Page 26

THE CRIME AT TATTENHAM CORNER. By Annie Haynes. (Bodley Head.

7s. 6d.)-A corpse is found in a ditch near Epsom on the eve of Derby Day. The body is identified as that of Sir John Burslem, a financial magnate and popular owner of race-horses. Did the owner of a rival horse, who was, known moreover to be in love with Sir John's wife, commit the murder ? Or is there a less obvious solution of the crime ? This is the problem that faces Inspector Stoddart and his delightful young subordinate. As we follow their disentangling of the mystery, we not only encounter thrilling surprises but are introduced to many admirably life- like characters. Miss Haynes is here at her best. Excellent as a detective tale, the book is also a charming novel.