General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Rev. S. H. Rendall, Sutton Courtenay „Vicamge, Abingdon, Berks.
. . Questions Thildsophy
1. What wise mail said that no one Shahid be deemed happy until he had completed a hapOY life -? • . .
2. What philosopher was it who claimed to have a divine voice
within and who was his biographer ? _ .
3. Who was responsible for the saying " All things flow " ? 4, What great thinker was converted to the Christian Faith by the prayers of a woman ? 5. What philosopher said' that nature 'is conquered by- obeying her ? .
6. Who were the subtle doctor and the angelical doetor ?
7. What famous French monk and thinker preached the Second Crusade-4 8. What plillOrepher said that two things filled Win- with awe ? " The starry heavens above and the moral law within." What was his chief work ?
9. What was the great saying of the French philosopher, Descartes ?
10. Who invented the words " altruism " and " pragmatism " ?
11. Who was the author of the phrases " the will to power" and " the superman " ?
12. What Bishop was the great exponent of conscience and what defence of religion did he publish ? 13. Who invented the term " agnostic " and what does it mean ?
Answers will be found on page 550.