6 APRIL 1929, Page 31


At first sight, the Chancellor's estimate of increases or decreases in Revenue for the year would seem to have been fairly accurate, the actual decline for the year being £6,889,000, as compared with an expected fall of £7,927,000. A glance at the following table, how- ever, will show that, while the totals are not far apart, there is great discrepancy in most of the individual items where expectations and realized results are very different.

Budget Estimate Actual inc. or dec. inc. or dec. for the year.

+£10,447,000 - £7,352,000 Excise . + 3,318,000 — 5,200,000 Motor Vehicle Dutiest + 1,382,000 + 839,000 Estate Duties .. 5,310,000 + 3,260,000 Stamps. • + 970,000 3,030,000 Land Tax, &c. 70;000 + 60,000 Income Tax — 17,683,000 — 12,963,000

Super Tax• .. .600,000 4,450,000 Excess Profits Duty + 1,000,000 + 850,000

Corporation Prof. Tax — 280,000 — 930,000 Post Office .. + 2,500,000 + 2,300,000 Crown Lands .. + 30,000 + 140,000 From Sundry Loans .. + 3,698,000 + 4,158,191 Miscellaneous : Ordinary.. — 17,343,000 — 17,749,779 *Special _ + 9,874,000 + 12,914,111

.-E7,927,000 ..:£6,389;4/7 'Including L13,700,000 from Currency Notes Assets. I Gross Estimate.