Whatever comment might have to be made upon the development in the affairs of the African and Eastern Trade Corporation during recent years there can be no question
that with the appointment of the present Chairman, Sir Robert Waley Cohen, little time has been lost both in investi. gating the position and in making arrangements for the future. As regards the former matter, the results of the investigation have still to be made known, but meanwhile the impression is strong that the Company's affairs are looking up, and that by the merging with the Niger Company much wasteful corn. petition between the two concerns will be avoided promising a favourable outlook for both concerns. At a recent special meeting of the African and Eastern Corporation, Sir Robed Waley Cohen gave the shareholders a very clear exposition of future plans, stating among other things that the merging will take the shape of a new company to be called the United Africa Company, Limited, in which the Niger Company and the African and Eastern will have equal holdings.