A Palestine Tribute It was from Jerusalem and Palestine that
I returned to England this spring ; and while travelling there I found one very green and pleasant bit of England in the minds of the settlers. Rothamsted was almost a household word. It was known, I should say, better there than here, at any rate in certain circles ; and its pamphlets had almost a scriptural respect. For example : on arriving at Haifa (whose new harbour is a monument to British engineering) I drove to the Sea of Tiberias and in its neighbourhood inspected one of the new Jewish communal farms, and lunched with the young farmers. They were of any country : one a young American, one a Russian, one from the Balkan States, differing in all respects except a certain admiration for " the ethical idea " of the communal farm. One of the least English in speech and one of the youngest was reading a Rothamsted pamphlet on a technical matter and had read all the latest pamphlets.