6 APRIL 1951, Page 3

S.H.A.P.E. in Shape

April 2nd, 1951. when "Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (S.H.A.P.E.) is activated as the headquarters of Allied Command Europe as of 0001 hours this date," may well become historic. If so, it will be as marking a beginning rather than an accomplishment. That General Eisenhower should be in- stalled in comniand of all the Atlantic Treaty Powers' armies in Europe, and with all the principal members of his staff (the Mediterranean command being still undecided) appointed and at work, is a fact of immen'se potential importance. At the same time, it must be recognised that the Atlantic Powers' armies in Europe so far amount to relatively little, and it is a discouraging fact that the same papers which recorded General Eisenhower's assumption of his command reported also a Senate vote at Washington prohibiting the President from sending more than four divisions to Europe without further Congressional approval. This will seriously hamper the President, and has the further disadvantage of entailing a controversial debate when- ever the reinforcement of the American troops in Europe may sqem called for. With the three American divisions already in Germany and other parts of Europe, that will bring the total American contribution to the Atlantic Treaty force to seven divisions, a substantial quota, but less than had been hoped for. Even with the British, French and Benelux contingents, the desired minimum of twenty-five divisions will not be easily or quickly reached. But the G.H.Q. is a contribution of very material importance in itself, for it gives an assurance that the maximum potential value will be got out such troops as are at any moment available. The immediate needs now are co- ordination and equipment.