A Mr. James Stanley, who described himself as an esquire,
a Magistrate of three counties, and a member of the Reform Club, was fined 51. at the Queen Square Office the other day, for being drunk and disorderly, and assaulting a Policeman in Parliament Street.
A man took his wife on Monday morning to the new :Islington cattle-market, with a halter round her waist, and offered her to the highest bidder. The sum of 5s. was first offered, but she was ulti- mately knocked down to a young man of decent appearance for 26s.
On Sunday evening, as the minister of St. George% Chapel, a large place of worship belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists, in the New Road, St. George's East, was reading the concluding prayer, some of the plaster of the ceiling on one side of the building fell into the gal.. lery below. A general rush took place towards the doors ; and in the confusion, great numbers were thrown down. The shrieks of the women and cries of the children were fearful ; and it was in vain that the minister and the clerk assured the people no danger was to be ap- prehended. With the exception of an elderly female, whose arm was dislocated, no persons received any serious bruises.
On Saturday afternoon, a little sweep got up behind Lord Cardi- gan's carriage in Regent Street, to have a ride. Near Argyle Street he tried to get down; and in so doing his leg went through the spokes of the hind-wheel; and before the carriage, which was going at a very moderate speed, could be pulled up, the most frightful laceration was inflicted. Lieutenant-Colonel Lyster, who was passing at the time, immediately ran to the spot, and, with Lord Cardigan, rendered every assistance in his power to the child. He was taken to the Middlesex Hospital, where he died on Monday.
John Smith, a dairyman, seventy years of age, residing at Wimble- don, was knocked down, robbed, and afterwards stabbed in the stomach by a sharp instrument, on Wimbledon Common, on the night of the 28th ultimo. His assailants were two men whom he thinks he can recognize, and whose dress he has accurately described.