Elle Country.
It is said that Sir Charles Greville, M. P. for Warwick, is about to resign his seat on account of ill health. In that event the Tories intend to call upon Mr. Canning, son of the late George Can- ning, to become a candidate to succeed Sir Charles.
The Halifax Tories intend.to give Sir lames Stuart Wortley a grand dinner in October. The invitatiOn is at rather a long date.
Mr. O'Connell was to have dined with the Reformers of Leicester on Thursday last, and at Derby on Monday next ; but the dangerous illness of Mrs. O'Connell obliged him to depart on Wednesday for Dublin.
Mr. Segar, the barrister, has been appointed Recorder of Wigan. Mr. Segar is a Roman Catholic of Liberal politics.
At the sale of the Corporation property of Coventry, last Tuesday, among other articles was an elegant four-gallon china punch-bowl, given to the Corporation by Mr. Sergeant Hewitt, who once represented the city in Parliament. It was sold for eleven guineas.
Sir Robert Peel has taken a country-house in the neighbourhood of Cowes ; and his arrival there last week seemed a fitting opportunity to Mr. George Henry Ward, and other Tories of the Isle of Wight, to get up a congratulatory address. This was accordingly done, and pre- sented to Sir Robert ; who was designated as "pater patriw," and other- wise behtuded in the most absurd strain. Sir Robert's reply was as good as the occasion demanded—that is to say, turgid and common- place.