On Sunday last, the Mistress of the Liverpool North Corporation
School proceeded with the scholars attached to the Established Church, to St. Martin's. On her arrival there, she entered the pew always previously occupied by the mistress and assistants of that school. Hardly had she entered it, when a clergyman (Mr. Gladwin) in fail canonicals came to her from the Vestry and ordered her to leave it. As she obeyed, her reply was, " Very well, Sir, all places are alike in the house of God." He could have been no old and hardened offender in the unchristian conduct which he then adopted ; for at this meek reply, he seemed to be brought to a sense of where he was, and shrunk, abashed, away without another word ._Liverpool Chronicle.
The iron steam-boat, the Cleveland, which has been for some time at work on the Woodside Ferry, seems to answer the best expectations of the owners ; possessing greater speed, strength, buoyancy, and steadiness, than a wooden vessel.—Liverpool Chronicle.