According to the authorized publication of the Votes on Divisions,
the numbers on the Irish question on Monday were the following.
For the Apppropriation-clause
260 Tellers
262 Against it 231
Tellers 2
Here we have only 495 Members; leaving 162, besides the Speaker, to be accounted for. A list of Pairs has been published, which if correct, would show the votes 128-64 on each side ; but then, we miss the names of 36 Members in the lists both of those who voted and of those who paired ; which added to the other Members, would make a House of 660 Members ; and the account would stand thus.
For the Appropriation. clause Voted 260
Ditto Paired 64 Ditto Absent 13 Tellers 0 --- 339
Against the Appropriation-clause... Voted 231
Ditto Paired 64
Ditto Absent 19
Tellers 316 635
Absent—Doubtful 4
Speaker 5
This account, giving an excess of two Members, is evidently wrong; but we are at a loss bow to correct it, unless we could procure an accu- rate list of the Pairs. We have too many Pairs, or too many Absentees; but cannot determine which. For instance, Mr. Beilby Thompson is put down among the Ministerial Pairs : we have little doubt that he was absent without pairing, or .f he did pair, it was against Ministers. The above statement is pretty near the mark, however ; and it also will serve to show that some writers in newspapers, who pretend to know the relative strength of parties to a nicety, have not the means of ascertaining it.