Airs. Fox, the widow of Charles Fox, is still living,
and in good health, at St. Ann's Hill, although on Monday she completed her eighty-ninth year.—Cheltenham Chronicle.
An extraordinary and totally groundless report having obtained ad- mission into the public prints, of a supposed danger incurred by the Clown yacht, while lately at sea with the Duke of Rutland and a party on hoard, we are happy to be able to give it a full contradiction. That excellent sea-boat, during her whole cruise, never shipped a sin- gle sea, nor encountered the slightest risk.—Morning Herald.
A statue of Mirabeau is about to be placed on the pedestal raised for one of Louis the Eighteenth, in the centre of the Place du Palais Bourbon.— Galignani's Messenger.
Three of the youthful sons of the Marquis of Sligo have been making a tour in the United States, dropping their titles by the advice of an English friend in New York, and travelling as plain Messrs. Browne.