The elections in Spain are proceeding favourably for the Mi-
nistry; but, even in Madrid and the vicinity, alarm is felt at the approach of the rebels. There was quite a panic on the 234 of July at St. Ildefonso, the country residence of the Queen ; and all who could procure conveyances fled to Madrid ; when it was dis- covered that the insurgents had taken another route. It does not clearly appear that the rebels here spoken of have any direct communication with the Carlists. The expedition of GOMEZ into Galicia has only proved the fidelity of the inhabitants of that province to the Queen. The Carlists received no reinforcements ; and when the last accounts were despatched, they were retreating.
Coenova perseveres in his treacherous inactivity ; and the accounts from the British Legion are very unsatisfactory. A regt- ment of lancers, lately under the command of Colonel KINLOCII, mutinied; and, but for the intrepidity as well as the Topularity of Colonel WAKEFIELD, on whom the command devolved, (Kirmoca having been despatched to Vittoria, to inspect the state of another regiment of Lancers, ostensibly but really, we should think, to get him out of the way,) the consequences would have been very serious. The mutineers, in number about forty, having been seized, five of the ringleaders were ordered to receive 500 lashes each ; but Colonel WAKEFIELD took upon himself to pardon them ; and the result was the restoration of order.