The exposure of the intri g ues in Denmark has at last
had the effect of calling attention to the movements of Russia in that quarter, covert as those movements may have been. There has indeed teen a disposition to make a feigned attack upon the Danish Government for its irregular proceedings, so as to cover the real attack, and to pass off the intrigues of the court as much lighter matters than they really are. But a knowledge of the subject has gone beyond any single efforts to disguise it. Many of the jour- nals are now taking up the discussion, upon the whole with sound knowledge and clear insight. Here again an explanation is due from our Government. What- ever reasons might have been advanced, some months back,' to justify a convention which collaterally tended to remove interme- diate claims between the Russian dynasty and the Danish throne, the whole subject-is now presented in a different light; and, de- ceived as our statesmen . may have been, North and South, it be- comes a question of great interest to know what they are doing in Denmark at the present moment.