This victory, apart from any effect it may exercise on
the French Army, is most important, as admitting the first of the three great columns into which the German Army has, we believe, been divided, into France, and making the railway between Haguenau and Saarbriick useless. We should now hear of the advance of Prince Frederick Charles from some point near Treves with 120,000 men, and then of the King's with the still larger Reserve. All must have some common point within France, probably Luneville, and each to reach it must fight his way. Next week ought to be full of battles, as it is now clear that, as we have steadily maintained would be the case, Baron von Moltke has decided, as in 1866, on a policy of magnificent audacity,—an advance on French soil upon the French Army.. Of his chances the victory- at Weissenburg as yet reveals little, for the French were evidently outnumbered ; but it is certain that the Germans are directed by men who mean action, that their plans are care- fully laid and carefully kept secret, and that from the mass of troops collected into a narrow district this will be a soldiers' war.